Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pecha Kucha at Canadian Association of Law Libraries Annual Conference

The Canadian Assocation of Law Libraries is holding its annual meeting in Calgary.

At today's pre-conference called "Spice Up Your Training", Carol Watson (University of Georgia Law Library) introduced attendees to the presentation technique known as Pecha Kucha (more info at

Basically, presenters get to show 20 images or slides, each for 20 seconds, with the images being moved forward automatically.

It does not work for all topics - try teaching regulatory research with Pecha Kucha - but it does have its applications in the library and/or training context.

Watson mentioned its potential as an alternative to panel discussions, as a keynote presentation, as a team building tool (e.g. "a day in the life..." to show colleagues what everyone does), as a way of making staff meetings livelier ...

There are many Pecha Kucha examples from many sectors (architecture, art, libraries...) on YouTube - at search for "pecha kucha".

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 7:30 pm


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